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Framework Integrations

In addition to the binding decorators lagom provides a number of integrations to popular web frameworks.


To make integration with starlette simpler an integration is provided that can generate starlette routes.

Starlette endpoints are defined in the normal way. Any extra arguments are then provided by the container:

async def homepage(request, db: DBConnection = injectable):
    user = db.fetch_data_for_user(request.user)
    return PlainTextResponse(f"Hello {}")

container = Container()
container[DBConnection] = DB("DSN_CONNECTION_GOES_HERE")

with_deps = StarletteIntegration(container) 

routes = [
    # This function takes the same arguments as starlette.routing.Route
    with_deps.route("/", endpoint=homepage),

app = Starlette(routes=routes)


FastAPI already provides a method for dependency injection however if you'd like to use lagom instead an integration is provided.

Calling the method .depends will provide a dependency in the format that FastAPI expects:

container = Container()
container[DBConnection] = DB("DSN_CONNECTION_GOES_HERE")

app = FastAPI()
deps = FastApiIntegration(container)

async def homepage(request, db = deps.depends(DBConnection)):
    user = db.fetch_data_for_user(request.user)
    return PlainTextResponse(f"Hello {}")

Access the request

The fast api automatically binds the active request to the container. This enables the following definitions:

from starlette.requests import Request

class SomeExtendedRequest:
    def __init(self, req: Request, db: Database):

Each time SomeExtendedRequest is created the correct Request object will be passed in.

Swapping for mocks when using the test client

Lagom encourages testing with dependencies manually passed to the code under test. However, when testing using the test client dependencies will be constructed using the lagom container. For this reason you may want to swap out certain dependencies. The fastapi integration has a method override_for_test which returns a ContextManager that can temporarily edit the dependency injection container.

def test_something():
    client = TestClient(app)
    with deps.override_for_test() as test_container:
        # FooService is an external API so mock it during test
        test_container[FooService] = Mock(FooService)
        response = client.get("/")

    assert response.status_code == 200

Request level singletons

When constructing the integration a list of types can be passed for request level singletons. Each of these types will only be constructed once per request:

deps = FastApiIntegration(container, request_singletons=[SomeClass])

Flask API

An integration is provided for flask. It takes the flask app and a container then provides a wrapped route decorator to use:

app = Flask(__name__)
container[Database] = Singleton(lambda: Database("connection details"))

app_with_deps = FlaskIntegration(app, container)

@app_with_deps.route("/save_it/<string:thing_to_save>", methods=['POST'])
def save_to_db(thing_to_save, db: Database = injectable):
    return 'saved'
(taken from

The decorator leaves the original function unaltered so it can be used directly in tests.

Flask Blueprints

Experimental support is provided for flask blueprints. See documentation here: Flask blueprint Docs


A django integration is currently under beta in the experimental module. See documentation here: Django Integration Docs


A click integration is currently under beta in the experimental module. See documentation here: Click Integration Docs(