Framework Integrations

In addition to the binding decorators lagom provides a number of integrations to popular web frameworks.

Starlette (

To make integration with starlette simpler a special container is provided that can generate starlette routes.

Starlette endpoints are defined in the normal way. Any extra arguments are then provided by the container:

async def homepage(request, db: DBConnection = injectable):
    user = db.fetch_data_for_user(request.user)
    return PlainTextResponse(f"Hello {}")

container = StarletteContainer()
container[DBConnection] = DB("DSN_CONNECTION_GOES_HERE")

routes = [
    # This function takes the same arguments as starlette.routing.Route
    container.route("/", endpoint=homepage),

app = Starlette(routes=routes)

FastAPI (

FastAPI already provides a method for dependency injection however if you'd like to use lagom instead a special container is provided.

Calling the method .depends will provide a dependency in the format that FastAPI expects:

container = FastApiContainer()
container[DBConnection] = DB("DSN_CONNECTION_GOES_HERE")

app = FastAPI()

async def homepage(request, db = container.depends(DBConnection)):
    user = db.fetch_data_for_user(request.user)
    return PlainTextResponse(f"Hello {}")

Flask API (

A special container is provided for flask. It takes the flask app then provides a wrapped route decorator to use:

app = Flask(__name__)
container = FlaskContainer(app)
container[Database] = Singleton(lambda: Database("connection details"))

@container.route("/save_it/<string:thing_to_save>", methods=['POST'])
def save_to_db(thing_to_save, db: Database = injectable):
    return 'saved'

(taken from

The decorator leaves the original function unaltered so it can be used directly in tests.

Django (

A django integration is currently under beta in the experimental module. See documentation here: Django Integration Docs