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Moving to explicit definitions

The auto-wiring feature of lagom is intended to enable rapid development of your application in the early stages of development without having to worry about lagom too much. Once your app has stabilised a little more you can switch to using more explicit definitions. This makes it clearer what actually gets loaded and provides a speed boost.

What do I need to define?

Lagom can be configured to write a log entry every time it uses reflection to figure out how to build a class.

from lagom import Container
# You can also pass an existing logger instead of setting True
container = Container(log_undefined_deps=True)

now in your log output you should see a warning like this for each dependency that didn't have an explicit definition:

Undefined dependency. Using reflection for SomeClass

Setting the definitions

Work through each dependency listed in the logger above and define how it is constructed. Details on how to do this can be found in the getting started section but it will look something like this:

from lagom import Singleton

container[SomeClass] = lambda c: SomeClass(thing=c[AnotherDependency])
container[AnotherDependency] = Singleton(lambda c: AnotherDependency("Some Config"))

In this example everything is a lambda so no actual construction will occur until an object is needed.

Enforcing definitions

If you want to disable the reflection based construction entirely a special container called ExplicitContainer is provided. This has the same interface as Container but a DependencyNotDefined exception will be raised if construction of an unknown class is requested.